Lesson: Religious education
Class: Lower Key Stage 2: 'The Hedgehogs' Year: 2013 - 2014
During our RE lessons we have been focusing on descriptions and characteristics of God.
This week we looked at the importance of forgiveness in the Christian faith and thought about ways in which we could explain what God's forgiveness is like.
First of all we all wrote down something that we had done wrong and then attached it to a balloon. As we let go of our balloons we thought about the verse:
"He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west." Psalm 103 verse 12
We then got into groups and thought of other ways that God's forgiveness could be illustrated.
One group suggested it was like white paint being painted over the things we had done wrong, never to be seen again. Another group explained it was like having dirty hands washed with soap and clean water while two further groups gave the examples of sins being written on a wipeboard or acetate and being wiped clean.
As a class we decided that we would like to forgive one another in this way when we make mistakes.