Special Educational Needs
SEND - 'Supporting Everyone's Needs Differently'
SEND at St. Oswald's Worleston C.E. Primary School
Children with special educational needs (SEN) have learning differences, difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age. These children may need extra or different help from that given to other children of the same age. There are four broad categories of SEN:
- Communication and Interaction
- Cognition and Learning
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health
- Physical and Sensory
At St Oswald's CE Primary School we work hard to ensure that every child is happy, supported, is fully included in learning and makes good progress. We have an extensive range of strategies and interventions in place in order to achieve this and our school building is fully accessible by all children. Our SEN Coordinator (SENCo), Mrs Cliffe has the National SENCO Award (Masters Level) and holds a post graduate certificate in Specific Learning Difficulties(Dyslexia) with Associate Membership of the British Dyslexia Association and Advanced Teacher Status.
Mrs Cliffe offers at least termly meetings with parents, teachers and children who are on our Special Educational Needs register so that all stakeholders are fully engaged and informed and are able to work inclusively together as a team to support the child's learning and development. As a school we have close links with outside agencies including Cheshire East Educational Psychologist Service, Cheshire East Autism Team, Speech and Language Team (SALT), Emotionally Healthy Schools Team, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMH's) and Community Paediatricians.
At St. Oswald's Worleston C.E. Primary School we intend that children are able to achieve their best. For all our pupils with SEND we intend to raise the aspirations of and expectations by providing a focus on outcomes for pupils to ensure they achieve their potential. At St. Oswald's, every teacher is a teacher is a teacher of SEND. Inclusion is a thread that runs through every area of the school enhanced by collaboration between senior leaders, teachers, support staff, external agencies, parents and most importantly, the child.
Further information about our current offer for SEN is available in the download from this page.
The SEND local offer provides information for children & young people with special educational needs and is available at: www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/localoffer
Cheshire East Information Advice Service
Free confidential support and information is available to children and young people with SEND, their parents and or their carers at: https://livewellservices.cheshireeast.gov.uk/Services/1
Welcome to Live Well Cheshire East - giving you greater choice and control of the services you need. You’ll find useful information and advice on a range of subjects, and an easy to use directory of over 3000 services and activities in your area.
Useful links and resources for parents and carers:
National Autistic Society - The national Autistic Society Website, the main UK charity for supporting people with ASD and their families, The website contains lots of useful advice and resources.
Autism Independent- Lots of useful information on ASD.
Autism Speaks - A comprehensive site with a useful resource library.
Dyslexia - The British Dyslexia Association provides advice, resources and training to help parents/carers.
Cheshire East Autism Team (CEAT) - Resources and advice for parents/carers.
Widgit - Symbolised resources for visual timetables, different topics, areas of life, fire safety and visits to doctors and dentist.
Special Needs Kits - An information directory and support for parents/carers of children with SEN.
IASS - Information, Advice and Support Services Network for SEND.
Supporting Challenging Behaviour - Tips and hints from Young Minds.
Parents A-Z - Advice on how to help with specific mental health conditions and life events which may affect a child's wellbeing.
Parents Survival Guide - Parenting isn't easy!
Fun Brain - A fun, educational website including games, videos and books.