Reception and Nursery: 'The Owls' 2024 - 2025

Mrs Tomlinson

Mrs Tomlinson

Class Teacher

Miss Bourne

Miss Bourne

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Bloor

Mrs Bloor

Teaching Assistant

Miss Hutchings

Miss Hutchings

Teaching Assistant

Miss Brookes

Miss Brookes

Teaching Assistant

Welcome to the Class Page for the Owl Class!

Mrs Tomlinson is the class teacher of the Owls Class alongside our Teaching Assistants Miss Bourne, Mrs Bloor, Miss Hutchings and Miss Brookes.


We are going to start the Autumn term by looking at the season of Autumn and harvest. We will be learning about vegetables and how our food is grown. The first half term we will use Little Red Hen, Farmer Duck, Oliver's Vegetables,  Oliver's Fruit Salad and The Tiny Seed.



little red hen.PNGtiny seed.PNGFarmer.PNG


For the second half of the Summer Term the Owl Class are going to be learning about traditional tales and Christmas. 


trad tales.png


You can find the topic plans for Nursery and Reception at the bottom of the page.



Our Classroom

Our unit is set in a beautiful classroom with open access to a large enclosed outdoor area. We also use the playground and field areas in the school grounds. Our Nursery and Reception children work together most of the day. This helps our older children to develop their personal and social skills, helping and supporting the younger children. It ensures the younger children settle into Nursery quickly as they have excellent peer role models to learn from. The mixed age class also provides a seamless transition from Nursery to Reception for our youngest children.

The provision in the Early Years Unit is enhanced regularly in response to the children’s changing needs and interests. We plan carefully to ensure the children are continually learning through their play. Writing, reading and mathematical skills are planned into the unit each week. Children are provided with many opportunities for developing their personal, social and communication skills within their play.

Our Timetable

Nursery sessions run from 8.45 am – 11.45 am and from 12.15 pm – 3.15 pm. We also offer full day sessions for our Nursery children. Nursery children who stay for a full day can either bring a packed lunch or they can have a school dinner for £2.75 per day. We offer wraparound care to extend these hours with Oswald Owls an onsite team of experienced playworkers. Funded hours may be used flexibly on childcare between the hours of 8.00am and 6.00pm each day.

Check your eligibility for 30 hours funding for 3-4 year olds here

Check your eligibilty for two year old funding here

The classroom door opens at 8.30am for children to be dropped off. Reception children start their day at 8.45 am. Home time is 3.15 pm. Children may bring a packed lunch or choose a school dinner, these are provided free of charge to Reception children.

We currently have spaces for 2, 3, 4 and 5 year olds. If you are interested in joining our exciting class, then please contact the school office and we would be happy to give you further information, and show you around our lovely school.

Our Learning

You can find our more about our curriculum at the bottom of this page. For more information on the Early Years Foundation Stage please click the following link: Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) .  You can also find out more about our weekly activities on our school Facebook page. We have a personalised curriculum based on the assessment of each child’s learning. We teach through book based topics to engage the children. The children in the Early Years at St Oswald's learn indoors and outdoors through supported play and one to one work with an adult. We closely monitor the progress of each individual child to ensure they reach their full potential.


We follow Read Write Inc at St Oswald's. We begin with our youngest children in Nursery who learn to hear and distinguish different sounds around them which provides them with a strong foundation for the more “formal” phonics sessions, beginning in the Autumn Term of the Reception year. Phonics is taught in small groups for 20 minutes each morning. Phonics knowledge is consolidated throughout the day through the provision and adult support. Our Reception children begin to learn the letters and sounds they need to be able to read and write simple words. Please see the video at the bottom of the page for more information on RWInc Speed Sounds.


Your child will always have a private reading book of their choosing to take home with them each evening.  Reading this should be an enjoyable pastime for them to do both individually, and together with you.  When you listen to them read please take time to write a comment in their reading record so that we can encourage them in their progression together.


Mathematical skills in Early Years can be developed in every area of provision. Each day the children take part in a more formal, short session where they sing number songs and learn about number sense. The children use Numicon to help them to develop their number skills and they look at one number each week from zero to twenty.


The children should come to school wearing their PE kit on a Tuesday and Friday. PE will be taught by Sports Coaches on a Tuesday to Reception children only. We will also have Yoga on a Friday for all Early Years children. 


Follow us on Twitter @OwlsStoswalds 

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Get In Touch

St Oswald's Worleston Primary School

Church Road,
Aston Juxta Mondrum,


Main contact Mrs Claire Jordan
SEN Contact Mrs Jo Cliffe