Upper Key Stage 2: 'The Foxes' 2024 - 2025
Mrs Fields
Class teacher
Miss Ollerton
Mrs Kaziewicz
Welcome to the Year 5/6 (Foxes) Class Page!
Keep up to date on what we are up to via the School Facebook Page and our Class Dojo page.
Year 5/6 Autumn term 2 2024
Welcome back to school! We are really excited to see you all and get started with our learning. This half-term, we have a geography-based topic: Rainforests.
Why should the rainforest matter to us all?
We will be learning all about rainforests through our geography, English and art & design lessons.
Please see the downloads section to download our topic mind map and the knowledge organiser for this term.
English: This term, we will be writing a report, informed by our class text 'Can We Save the Tiger?' by Martin Jenkins. We will also explore writing non-chronological reports and persuasive letters linked with our topic lessons.
Guided Reading: This term, we will be reading the book, 'Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls' by Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo. We will use these texts to build our prediction and vocabulary understanding and our retrieval and inference skills.
Maths: We will be recapping and extending our understanding of multiplication and division before moving onto fractions. In multiplication and division, we will look at finding common multiples and factors, prime numbers, square and cube numbers. In fractions, we will find equivaalent fractions and practise adding and subtracting fractions.
Science: In Science, we will be learning about 'Living Things and their Habitats'. We will be exploring the life cycles of different animals and we will learn about how plants reproduce.
Year 5/6 Staff:
We are very lucky to have the following staff to support and help the children in their learning:
Mrs Fields: Class Teacher.
Mrs K and Miss Ollerton: We have a fantastic team of Teaching Assistants to support the children in their learning.
Mr Curtin: The children are very lucky to have Mr Curtin teaching them music every week. This will take place on Wednesday mornings.
P.E Sessions:
During the Autumn 2 term, children will need to wear P.E. kits on Mondays and Tuesdays for PE. Year 5 will be having swimming lessons every Monday afternoon.
We will be having our weekly brass lessons on a Wednesday morning with Mr Curtin.
Homework Explained!
Weekly Spellings:
Your child will receive their spelling homework on a Friday. Please can all children practise their weekly spellings, in time for their spelling test the following Thursday.
Maths Homework:
The children in Y5/6 class are expected to be regularly logging onto My Maths and completing the weekly activities online.
Your child has a school reading book and an individual reading journal. Please can we encourage as much reading at home as possible and a comment written from you when you can. Thank you.
Your child will be given a login for Times Tables Rock stars, an exciting online tool to help them to learn times tables. Your child will have a weekly times tables test on a Thursday and we thank you in advance for your support in helping them to prepare for this.
Dojo homework:
This can be found on the homework tab at the top of this page and on ClassDojo. While this is not compulsary, it's a great way to learn more about our topic and earn Dojo Points to convert in our shop at the end of term.