

Homework is the perfect opportunity to build those home / school relationships that we value so much here at St Oswald's.  However we don't agree with homework just for the sake of giving it.  Homework needs to have a purpose.

We believe that homework has the potential to raise standards by:

Increasing the time given for re-enforcing basic skills
Providing the opportunity to develop thinking skills and individuality
Extending coverage of the National Curriculum
Improving study skills
Improving attitudes to learning
Involving Parents in the learning process

Homework is set for children from Early Years through to Year Six

Our staff plan homework as an integral part of curriculum planning with clear links to class work. They know the importance of setting tasks matched to the abilities of pupils, following up with children and parents when there are difficulties over the completion and return of homework, ensuring that homework is marked or checked as appropriate.

Homework set may be to consolidate class work, to leave pupils to pursue their own lines of enquiry or practice a specific skill. The tasks may include factual or imaginative writing, reading, spelling, learning, revising, illustration, research, practical activities or even thinking. Some homework may be set and handed in via our virtual learning environment.

There are many ways in which you as parents / carers can help your child: encouraging and supporting, checking presentation, handwriting and spelling, testing what has been set to learn, listening to reading, asking about research or topic work, and encouraging a prompt return of work into school. These are all ways of helping and supporting your child to appreciate the importance of homework, and see homework as an extension to class work.

Of course, children work at different speeds and so doing homework can take longer for some than others. If there is a repeated problem over homework, we encourage parents / carers to get in touch with your child’s Class Teacher. Similarly, we shall get in touch with you if we feel there are frequent problems over homework which you could help us resolve.

We ask that you support us in seeing that homework is done conscientiously, in the best possible conditions and returned promptly to school.


Each child has an individual reading record which is checked weekly. Reading at home makes a massive difference and really helps children progress. Depending on their reading level, children will bring home either a RWI book or a coloured book linked to our Accelerated reader scheme.


We would encourage all children to use the online platforms of Mathletics and TTRockstars which provide opportunities for children to build on their Maths skills. These platforms are exciting ways to encourage childrent to develop their Maths knowledge and consolidate what they have done in school. Every Friday, we celebrate those who have managed to get a certificate in Mathletics. Furthermore, each term, KS2 have a TTRockstars battle of the bands where children try and gain as many points as they can.


Weekly, children will bring home spellings that are age appropriate. These should be practised daily. Once a week, children will then undertake a spelling test in school to see how well they have learnt these spellings. We have found that those who practise their spellings at home often improve their writing greatly. 

Dojo Homework

Half termly, children will receive Dojo homework which is linked to their class topic. There are 6 activities linked to a range of subject areas. These are not compulsary but give the children a chance to develop their knowledge and skills further. At the end of each half term, children will come together to showcase and celebrate their homework. They will also receive a certain amount of Dojo points depending on how many activities they have undertaken. Each term, there will be a dojo shop to spend these points.

How can parents help?

Taking just 10-20minutes a day to support children with their homework can make a massive difference. The smallest amount of encoruagement can give them a real boost in their learning. 


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Get In Touch

St Oswald's Worleston Primary School

Church Road,
Aston Juxta Mondrum,


Main contact Mrs Claire Jordan
SEN Contact Mrs Jo Cliffe