Frequently asked questions
What time does school begin?
The school gates open at 8.30am and close at 8.45am, children can enter school via the school gate during these times. If you arrive at school after this time, children must report to the school office to sign-in. School registers close at 8:45am and class begins, if you arrive after this your child will receive a late mark.
What time does school finish?
The school day finishes at 3:15pm and the gate is opened at 3:10pm
All children are to be collected from the playground at the rear of school.
How do I report a child absence?
If your child is absent from school, please inform us by 8:45am. You can do this by either calling or emailing the school office on advising of why your child is absent. If we do not receive this notification, you will receive a text message or a call asking you to contact the school. Please be aware, school policy states children should not return to school until 48hours following sickness/diarrhea. Thus minimizing the spread of viral infections.
Where can I buy school uniform?
For a list of our school uniform, please see our website under virtual office.
Uniform can be purchased from our suppliers ‘Badged’, either directly from their uniform shop in Sandbach or online. Please follow the link to their website Badged
Where can I park at school?
We have a small car park on site for staff only, this is only to be used for staff, and also must not be used to cut through for the safety of the children. The school is situated on residential roads and we ask parent/carers to park legally, with due care and consideration for our neighbours.
When is the best time to talk to my child’s teacher?
In the morning teachers are busy preparing for the school day. We advise you to speak to your child’s class teacher at the end of the school day when all children have been dismissed. You can also make an appointment via the school office. If it is urgent, the head teacher can be contacted directly on or an appointment made during the school day.
What if my child needs medicine administering during the school day?
We are able to administer medicine prescribed by a doctor during school hours. Please bring this to the school office and complete a form required to comply with school policy.
Is there a before and after school provision?
Yes, our out of school club provision is provided by Oswald Owls and is available to the whole school. Breakfast club runs from 7:45 am - 8.30am and after school club runs from 3.15pm to 6pm. Please contact for more information.
What if my child is going home with someone else?
Please notify the school if your child’s usual arrangements change. We will require this in writing from a parent/carer with parental responsibility. Please either email or write a letter for the class teacher.
Should I label my child’s clothing?
Yes, looking after belongings is a key skill for all our children and a name label makes this easier. Please either sew a name label in all items or use indelible ink. From time to time items can be misplaced, will do our utmost to reunite these with their owners but we are unable to replace them.
What does my child need for school each day?
Please send your child in with a coat suitable for the current weather conditions. In their bag they will need a healthy snack and water bottle along with their reading books.
Can my child bring toys to school?
No, we do not allow any toys, trading cards or similar personal items in school as these can be easily misplaced or damaged, causing upset and distress.
I would like my child to receive a school lunch, how do arrange this?
Your child will be asked each morning if they require a dinner. All reception and KS1 children do not need to pay for these. All KS2 children are charged at £2.25 per day, payable via SchoolMoney
What snack should I provide for my child?
We have adopted the Change4Life policy, where we promote healthful eating among our students. Please provide a healthy snack for your child at break time, something suitable for a growing child. Please do not supply them with chocolate bars, sweets or anything which contains nuts as we strictly operate a ‘no nut policy’ in school.
Are hot snacks available at morning break?
Yes, our catering provision Cheshire East provide a selection of hot snacks at break time. Children order these at registration in the morning and pay cash when collecting them break time. Snack price is 60p.
How do I pay for school trips and school lunches?
All school trips, residential visits and school lunches are payable via our online payment system SchoolMoney. You will receive login details and a password specific to you, please speak to the school office if you require further assistance.
What if my child has an Allergy or Intolerance?
Please notify us immediately of any allergies or intolerances. At times it may be necessary to provide a medical letter confirming the diagnosis. Our catering services are able to meet the needs of all dietary requirements.
What is a School Buddy?
When your child starts school in Reception, they will be introduced to their ‘buddy’. Buddies are children in Year 5/6 whose role is to look out for their reception class buddy acting as a good role model. They will be paired during assemblies, school walks to church and for whole school trips.
What is star day?
This takes place at the end of the academic year. The school opens its doors for the afternoon and parents/carers are invited to come and look through their child’s work and talk with them about their achievements, targets and aspirations for the forthcoming year.
What is star of the week and the fruits of the spirit award?
These are awarded during celebration assembly on a Friday - the star award in recognition of achievement either academic or personal and fruit of the spirit for demonstrating a Christian value to either peer or adult.