ReadWrite Inc
We teach the children to read using a phonic programme based on pure letter sounds. It is very important that the children hear and say the sound correctly. The video clip shows the correct way to do this.
· Learn 44 sounds and the corresponding letter/letter groups using simple picture prompts.
For example, the letters a & y together are pronounced ay (two letters one sound) and the letters
i&g&h together are pronounced igh (three letters one sound). Each sound has a rhyme to help
the children remember e.g. ay – May I play ?
· Learn to read words using Fred Talk
For example, the children read each word by splitting it into sounds - s - ight - t=sight.
· Read lively stories featuring words they have learned to sound out.
Although the reading books appear to be fairly simple in content, each book incorporates a range of reading, comprehension and writing activities. This enables the children’s learning to be systematically reinforced and extended.
· Be able to show that they comprehend the stories by answering questions.
· learn to write the letters/letter groups which represent 44 sounds.
· learn to write words by saying the sounds in Fred Talk
· write simple sentences
· compose stories based on picture strips
· compose a range of stories based on writing frames.
Reading - Helping at Home!
If you would like to purchase your own RWI Sound cards, sets 1, 2 and 3 (including tricky words) can be obtained from Amazon as shown. The green pack includes set 1 sounds, and the yellow pack sets 2 and 3. Using the cards to enable your child to practise the sounds he or she has already learnt will be most beneficial, rather than introducing them to new ones at this stage. Your child will be able to tell you the sounds they are currently learning, and you will be able to see which sounds they need to

Price For All Three: approx. £14 or individually below
· Read Write Inc. Home: Phonics Flashcards (Read Write Inc Phonics) by Ruth Miskin Cards (approx. £5)
· Read Write Inc. Phonics: Parent Handbook-Help your child read with phonics by Ruth Miskin Hardcover (approx. £4)
There is also an excellent website with plenty of ideas and games to help your child to enjoy reading at
And finally… we are finding the systematic use of phonics to be very useful in supporting the children to read. However, it is not the whole story and we urge you at every opportunity to read other stories to your children. Listening to stories helps children develop a wider vocabulary and makes a vast difference to their quality of writing.